Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Quick QA re: Deeming

Deeming is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp. It is essentially how Social Security determines the effect of the income of one or more family memebers on the benefits of another.

This exchange was provided to me by the Pacific Clinics CEO. It is valuable information that makes a good post. So here it is.

QUESTION:Does the income of the parent (s) always play a factor for eligibilityin receiving SSI benefits and related Medical when child is in a grouphome? What about SSI and/or Medi-Cal for the child after he/she returnshome?

ANSWER: "Deeming" by def'n is when SSA considers the income and resources of people responsible for the SSI recipient's welfare. SSI "Deeming" rule (in this case parent-to-child deeming) applies to a child under the age of 18 when the child lives in the parent's household. In a case of a minor child who lives in a group home which is usually considered non-medical out of home care, deeming does not apply; therefore, the parent's income & resources are not factored. Deeming will again apply when the child returns to the parent's home only if the child is under 18. Parent-to-Child Deeming no longer applies when the child reaches age 18.

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