Monday, August 24, 2009

It's Been a While...

Since I've posted anything... been crazy busy. I am 20 minutes away from beginning my annual HIV and EMPLOYMENT course for Pacitic Clinics Training Institute and my Saddleback College Course BENEFITS ENTITLEMENT begins tomorrow night so I've been prepping for that, too.
We are all waiting for the shoes to drop re: the impact of the Medi-Cal and other Social Services cuts on individuals they serve. Once we get some concrete information I will post it here in, hopefully, English that is plain enough to comprehend.

1 comment:

Bill said...


I have a client who has an AIDS diagnosis and is employed - has never received disability income to date. He received health insurance coverage through his employer until recently, when due to the economy his employer both cut him back to an 80% work schedule and stopped paying for his health insurance. He was told that a Blue Shield conversion plan which costs him $733 per month, plus deductibles, and does not provide excellent coverage for his needs was his only option, but he is concerned about paying this high premium when his salary has been cut. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions?